Make: Soft Robotics - Print
Soft robotics is an fun crafter/maker mash-up that approaches robots in new ways, enabling them to operate in environments that are unstructured or unstable and to perform tasks that require delicacy and malleability. These DIY projects are relatively affordable, accessible and achievable. It's all about engineering with soft materials -- silicone, cloth, balloons, flexible plastics -- what have you got on hand? Why not combine them in different ways by coming up with novel, approachable, and surprising solutions to interesting problems.
This book introduces those soft-robotics concepts to students, inventors, crafters and makers of all ages with easy-to-understand explanations and hands-on DIY projects like covering disciplines like microcontrollers, 3D printing, laser cutting, mold making, casting, and heat sealing to create intriguing soft robots and devices.
Foreword by Chris Atkeson, whose research directly inspired the design of Big Hero 6's Baymax
Written by designers working on the forefront of the field, projects featuring simple introductions and concepts to more complex designs that build on what you know
Explore robotics using novel materials and techniques you can apply to challenges far outside of robotics.
Code samples can be found at github.com/gianteye/makesoftrobots.